Thursday, October 28, 2010

Northwest Trek July 2010

I can't believe how long it's been since I posted. I loaded these pics a long time ago and didn't finish. So here it is, our trip to Northwest Trek with my daughter's friend and his family.

My daughter is in blue and my son is to her left. H's friend from school is on her right with his sister and his mom is in front.

We stayed most of the day and rode the tram to see the range & forest animals and toured the rest on foot. There are some interesting wild animals, not like zoo animals. Many are injured and cannot fly or protect themselves in the wild so they live at NW Trek now. It is nice that we can visit them there.

Heading for the line to board the Tram.

These animals don't seem to mind getting close to the Tram at all so we got some good pictures.

Enjoying some lollipops!!

Our first attempt at a group photo. LOL!!

See Mr. Bear over there?

Mr. Centipede or whatever he was.

In the wolf's den spying on the wolves in their habitat.

The pelts are so soft.

This bird was so cool. It had a leash and was tethered to a long line. The guy set her in the tree and she flew to him for a snack.

Here's the same guy with a Beaver. He showed us how the Beaver washed his tummy and how he swam by giving signals. He said that these animals are not taught tricks. They only teach them signals to get them to do the things they would normally do in the wild. Like the guy rubbed his tummy to get the Beaver to clean his own tummy for us to see. It was so cute!

What a great time we had, walking and talking and seeing wildlife, the beauty of God's creation.

Have a good weekend. BYE!!